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OpenAI text-to-video generation

  • Details:
    • GPT3.5, Stable Diffusion, and Whisper to generate content
    • FFMPEG and CV2 video creation
    • Building video diffusion model integration
    • Learn a recipe or two!
  • GitHub
  • Demo

YOLO Object Detection

Using Drone Imagery to study habitats in the Outer Banks

  • Details:
    • Programmed DJI Matrice 350 RTK to fly automonous missions.
    • Utilized Pix4D to create photogrammetry structure models.
    • Labeled habitat species using Roboflow
    • Finetuned YOLOv8 to classify fauna


Automotive Agent trained to aid car Mechanics

  • Details:
    • Enabled by a finetuned GPT assisstant
    • Webscraping Automotive Forums
    • Transcribing YouTube videos for tutorials
    • Inspired by my father, who owned an automotive shop, Lakeshore Tire & Auto, for 38 years
  • GitHub
  • Demo


Building a transformer from bare bones

  • Details:
    • Neural Network implemented in vanilla Python
    • Begin with basic MLP (multi-layer perceptron)
    • Built out normalization, non-linearitly, and transformation layers
    • implemented backpropogation algorithm
    • Trained on a portion of Wikipedia!
  • GitHub